
This module contains a number of pre-created transformations.

reikna.transformations.add_const(arr_t, param)

Returns an addition transformation with a fixed parameter (1 output, 1 input): output = input + param.

reikna.transformations.add_param(arr_t, param_dtype)

Returns an addition transformation with a dynamic parameter (1 output, 1 input, 1 scalar): output = input + param.

reikna.transformations.broadcast_const(arr_t, val)

Returns a transformation that broadcasts the given constant to the array output (1 output): output = val.


Returns a transformation that broadcasts the free parameter to the array output (1 output, 1 param): output = param.


Returns a transformation that joins two real inputs into complex output (1 output, 2 inputs): output = real + 1j * imag.

reikna.transformations.copy(arr_t, out_arr_t=None)

Returns an identity transformation (1 output, 1 input): output = input. Output array type out_arr_t may have different strides, but must have the same shape and data type.


Returns a transformation that ignores the output it is attached to.

reikna.transformations.mul_const(arr_t, param)

Returns a scaling transformation with a fixed parameter (1 output, 1 input): output = input * param.

reikna.transformations.mul_param(arr_t, param_dtype)

Returns a scaling transformation with a dynamic parameter (1 output, 1 input, 1 scalar): output = input * param.

reikna.transformations.norm_const(arr_t, order)

Returns a transformation that calculates the order-norm (1 output, 1 input): output = abs(input) ** order.


Returns a transformation that calculates the order-norm (1 output, 1 input, 1 param): output = abs(input) ** order.


Returns a transformation that splits complex input into two real outputs (2 outputs, 1 input): real = Re(input), imag = Im(input).

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