
This module contains various auxiliary functions which are used throughout the library.


Returns the minimal number of the form 2**m such that it is greater or equal to n.

reikna.helpers.factors(num, limit=None)

Returns the list of pairs (factor, num/factor) for all factors of num (including 1 and num), sorted by factor. If limit is set, only pairs with factor <= limit are returned.

class reikna.helpers.ignore_integer_overflow

Context manager for ignoring integer overflow in numpy operations on scalars (not ignored by default because of a bug in numpy).


Integer-valued logarigthm with base 2. If n is not a power of 2, the result is rounded to the smallest number.

reikna.helpers.min_blocks(length, block)

Returns minimum number of blocks with length block necessary to cover the array with length length.


Returns the product of elements in the iterable seq.

reikna.helpers.template_def(signature, code)

Returns a Mako template with the given signature.

Parameters:signature – a list of postitional argument names, or a Signature object from funcsigs module.
Code:a body of the template.

Returns the Mako template object created from the file which has the same name as filename and the extension .mako. Typically used in computation modules as template_for(__filename__).


Creates a Mako template object from a given string. If template already has render() method, does nothing.


If seq_or_elem is a sequence, converts it to a tuple, otherwise returns a tuple with a single element seq_or_elem.